As part of the project Sustainable renovation (SUSMAT) we offer free online training courses for professionals from architecture, trade and the construction industry.

The detailed program will be published shortly on the corresponding GERMAN and ITALIAN pages, as well as the single presentations or the different speakers.

You can take part in one, several or all modules. All training courses will be held in German and Italian. The registration is possible until 10/02/2025 on the corresponding German and Italian pages.


Co-financed by the European Union as part of the Interreg VI – A Italia-Austria 2021-2027 cooperation programme.

NEW! Funding guide for renovations and inner development

The new funding guide for renovation and innerdevelopement in South Tyrol and Italy is available, as well as the funding guide for renovation in the Interreg area: state subsidies in Italy and Austria and in detail: South Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia as well as Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia. These funding guides are the result of the ‘Comparative study on funding for inner development’ from the SHELTER project from 2022. It is an update of the funding and contributions within the framework of the SUSMAT project, which is funded by the EU through Interreg VI-A Italy-Austria 2021-2027.




Leitfaden für Sanierung & Förderungen in Südtirol und Italien

Leitfaden für Sanierung & Förderungen im Interreg-Gebiet: staatliche Förderungen in Italien und Österreich und im Detail: Südtirol, Venetien und Friaul-Julisch Venetien sowie Tirol, Salzburg und Kärnten


Guide to renovation and funding in South Tyrol and Italy

Guide to renovation and funding in the Interreg area: state funding in Italy and Austria and in detail: South Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, as well as Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia


‘Renovating must be more attractive than building a new house on a greenfield site.’

Many villages and small towns in the Interreg Italy-Austria programme area are facing the same problems: the decay of historically valuable buildings, vacancies in the town centre and simultaneous land consumption on greenfield sites, demographic change and migration. These problems can be counteracted at the same time by renovating existing properties. This requires a series of suitable measures for active vacancy management and revitalisation of the town centre. This requires not only decision-makers at the national and local level, but also the citizens themselves. This study is intended to help citizens to obtain an overview of the possible funding and contact points for the renovation of existing properties. Decision-makers receive an overview of the various funding, advisory and revitalisation measures for town and village centres, from which they can draw ideas and suggestions for improving their own local and regional funding and advisory services.

Andreas Schatzer, President of Plattform Land



Sustainable renovation (SUSMAT)

Online Training Courses

Day of inner development


Co-financed by the European Union as part of the Interreg VI – A Italia-Austria 2021-2027 cooperation programme.

Press release and presentations: COWORCare” autumn conference

Growing demand for coworking and childcare

Plattform Land creates work-life balance in the “COWORCare” project


Follow-up report with press release and presentations on the “COWORCare” autumn conference on 14 December 2023 at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta.


The compatibility of family and career is a hot topic, with changing role models, labour shortages, increasing demand for childcare facilities, etc. At the autumn conference of the Land platform and the final event of the “COWORCare” project at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, examples of how coworking and care can be combined were presented.

“Coworking has become increasingly popular in recent years. There is now also a considerable range on offer in South Tyrol. And combining this with childcare will be the challenge of the future. The municipalities are working hard to meet the growing demand for childcare places. We must be open to new ideas and promote them, especially with regard to rural areas,” emphasised Andreas Schatzer, President of Plattform Land.


Here you can read the COWORCare Press Release Final Event 14/12/2023.



Michelle Bässler_The need of Coworking & Care

Stanka Klemenčič – COWORCare Final Event

Katrin Gruber – Pop-Up Child Care at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta (DE)

Sarah Meraner – Poetry Slam (DE)

Documents on final conference Impuls4action 20th of May 2021

Water use, inner development and peatlands are connected and influence our daily life in the EUSALP area and beyond. In times of climate crisis the Alps are even more affected and  therefore vulnerable. What could be done at regional level to respect and use our Alpine soils for future generations in a sustainable way, thus respecting economic, social and ecological balance? Find here programme, presentations and press release of the final congress of “Impuls4Action“ fom 20th of May 2021:



1 “It‘s time to act locally on our Alpine soils” Prof Bogataj

2 Impuls4action_Klemencic

3 Toolbox_Impuls4action_Sala

4 szenarios Gretter_Battistel

5 smart villages_Egger

6 project ADO_Greifeneder


Press release


Poetry-Slam by Ania Viero:

Save the date Impuls4Action final conference 20th of May 2021 9:00-12:15 online

we inform you that the final conference of the EU-funded project “Impuls4Action“ will take place on Thursday, 20 May 2021 from 9:00 to 12:15, online via zoom.

We invite you to save the date in your calendar already today. You will receive the invitation with the detailed program and the zoom-link. The event will be multilingual with simultaneous translation into German, Italian, English and Slovenian.

Terminhinweis Jahrestagung “Nachhaltigkeit im ländlichen Raum” am 22. Oktober 2020 am Ritten

We are pleased to announce the annual conference “Sustainability in Rural Areas” of the Platform Land on the topic of balance between economy, society and environment with a focus on communal solutions in rural areas on Thursday, 22 October 2020 from 9:00 to 13:00 and we cordially invite you to attend already now!

The annual conference will take place in the House of Families in Lichtenstern, Ritten.

The invitation including the agenda will follow at a later date.

Platform Land: looking back on a successful year

Four projects, three of them new, two general meetings and one conference each on intergenerational living and the demands of young people on life in the countryside: At its general meeting, Platform Land drew a positive conclusion and looked back on extensive activities. The new and old president is Andreas Schatzer, his deputy Leo Tiefenthaler.

Intelligent land management and the preservation of the attractiveness of rural areas are the focal points of the Platform Land, to which, in addition to the South Tyrolean Farmers’ Association and the Association of South Tyrolean Municipalities, the Province of South Tyrol, the Chamber of Commerce as well as economic, social and other associations – 15 members in total – belong.

The “FLOW” project, which aims to strengthen local cycles using the example of the Vinschgau Valley, was relaunched last year. Among other things, two dishes were created with ingredients from the Vinschgau Valley. Within the framework of “FLOW”, a “gender study” is also being carried out on the motives for women and men to stay or migrate. The survey of thirty selected persons is almost completed, followed by interviews with experts in the summer.
Also new is the “Impuls4Action” project, which supports sustainable development by means of an online toolbox in the areas of “water management, inner development and mire protection”. An expert webinar will be held in June. “Climate change in particular requires initiatives and tailor-made instruments for land protection, water management and the development of green infrastructures”, explained President Andreas Schatzer.

With the “SHELTER” project, the Platform Land is investigating the promotion and follow-up costs of internal development in the municipalities. In addition, a study is underway to compare the subsidies for inner development in the Interreg area.

The project “Vacancy Management” was continued. In the meantime, the Platform Land is supporting 13 municipalities in the survey of empty properties. “This is intended to create an incentive to use them again instead of new buildings in greenfield sites”, says Schatzer.
In addition, the Platform Land has proposed to promote redevelopment consultations and to push new forms of housing such as multi-generation houses or co-housing. This should be taken into account in the new housing promotion law. In addition, empty flats could be rented out more easily again by having a public company guarantee the rental payments and be liable for damages caused by the tenant, similar to the model “Sicher vermieten” in Vorarlberg.

Co-working was also a focus last year. For example, the Platform Land has called for better support for this modern form of working, for example through a Land subsidy for running costs and equipment. “In addition, start-up and innovation centres in rural areas are to be promoted in the longer term so that they can make a lasting contribution to the development of the population and economy, such as the planned technology park in Bruneck or BASIS in Schlanders,” said Plattform Land managing director Ulrich Höllrigl.

Platform Land also emphasizes the importance of local cycles. “They should be taken into account to a greater extent when awarding contracts, so that local producers and companies also have the chance to participate in the tenders,” Tiefenthaler demanded.
In view of current events, an online discussion on the topic of “Family & Work in Times of Home Office and Home Schooling” will take place on 24 June.

In autumn, the Platform Land will dedicate its annual conference to “Sustainability in Rural Areas”.

A new association committee was recently elected at the general meeting. Its members include the president of the Chamber of Commerce Michl Ebner, the president of the Association of Municipalities Andreas Schatzer, Provincial Councillor Arnold Schuler, the chairman of the South Tyrolean Farmers’ Association Leo Tiefenthaler, and the president of the CoopBund Heini Grandi.
Andreas Schatzer will remain president for the next three years, his deputy will again be Leo Tiefenthaler. “We have launched many new initiatives in the past term of office. In the next three years we would like to continue these and at the same time initiate new ones. There is still much to be done to increase the attractiveness of rural areas and reduce land consumption,” said Schatzer at the first committee meeting.

Webinar: From Intelligent Land Use to Sustainable Municipalities – Impuls4Action

Impuls4Action aims to trigger actions to support sustainable development on all levels by providing appropriate tools, raising awareness and finding new models for sustainable soil protection in the Alps.

In three thematic pilot cases:

  1. Water management in Alpine soils,
  2. Inner Development and
  3. Peatlands,

with different impact paths on soils, the project aims to collect data for Toolbox. With workshops, the needs of target groups and relevant stakeholders will be analysed and they will provide the basis for the structure of the toolbox which will merge existing information, integrate results of on-going projects e.g. “Links4Soils” and create cooperation starting from awareness-raising events to involvement of all stakeholders concerned

Friday, 5th June 2020 – Online WEBINAR 10:00 – 13:00

Please fill in this form in order to take part in the workshop.


10:00 – 10:15    Institutional Greetings

        Luca Masneri, Mayor – Edolo Municipality

Anna Giorgi, Director – CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont., EUSALP AG1 Leader

10:15 – 10:30     Soil conservation in the Alpine Region: state of the art

        European Soil Alliance – Georg Pircher

10:30 – 10:45    The ARPAF Project “Impuls4Action” – From Intelligent Land Use to             Sustainable Municipalities: objectives and activities

        Stanka Klemenčič, KGZS-Zavod Maribor

10:45 – 11:00 Instructions and break out in the three different rooms (Stefano Sala)

11:00 – 12:00 Parallel sessions of the 3 topics

12:00 – 12:15 Sum up session (5 minutes each) of the discussion per topic

12:15 – 13:00 General Discussion – Recommendations regarding soil conservation in the Alpine Region and questions

General moderation: Stefano Sala 


ROOM 1 – PEATLANDS – Moderator: Angelika Aberhalden

11:00 – 12:00     The role of peatlands in the Alpine Region

  • Overview of alpine peatlands, status and network of experts and actors on national, regional and local level

Sylvia Holzträger, University of Applied Science Weihenstephan, Triesdorf

  • Peatlands in Lombardy Region/in Camonica Valley

            Anna Bonettini, Adamello Park         

  • Open discussion/questions

ROOM 2 – WATER RESOURCES – Moderator: Peter Tramberend 

11:00 – 12:00     Water resources management in the Alps

  • New paradigm of water/drought management on the Alpine Soils.

            Mrs. Ph.D. Andreja Sušnik, Slovenian Environment Agency

  • Agricultural water scarcity and water management in the Italian Alps

            Claudio Gandolfi, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production, Landscape, Agroenergy, University of Milan

  • Open discussion/questions

ROOM 3 – INNER DEVELOPMENT – Moderator: André Mallossek 

11:00 – 12:00     Urbanization and inner development in the Alpine Region

            Frank Weber, Director of the resort for spatial planning in South Tyrol

  • Open discussion/questions

New EU call for WIFI hotspots in municipalities

Plattform Land draws attention to an ongoing EU call for municipalities:

Each municipality in the EU can apply for a one-off sum of €15,000 to set up a freely accessible public WIFI hotspot in the municipality (e.g. on the central village square). The call will start on 3rd of June and will run until the funds are exhausted (a total of €14 million).

1. Newsletter Impuls4Action

The first Newsletter April 2020 Impuls4Action is published.