Webinar: From Intelligent Land Use to Sustainable Municipalities – Impuls4Action
Impuls4Action aims to trigger actions to support sustainable development on all levels by providing appropriate tools, raising awareness and finding new models for sustainable soil protection in the Alps.
In three thematic pilot cases:
- Water management in Alpine soils,
- Inner Development and
- Peatlands,
with different impact paths on soils, the project aims to collect data for Toolbox. With workshops, the needs of target groups and relevant stakeholders will be analysed and they will provide the basis for the structure of the toolbox which will merge existing information, integrate results of on-going projects e.g. “Links4Soils” and create cooperation starting from awareness-raising events to involvement of all stakeholders concerned
Friday, 5th June 2020 – Online WEBINAR 10:00 – 13:00
Please fill in this form in order to take part in the workshop.
10:00 – 10:15 Institutional Greetings
Luca Masneri, Mayor – Edolo Municipality
Anna Giorgi, Director – CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont., EUSALP AG1 Leader
10:15 – 10:30 Soil conservation in the Alpine Region: state of the art
European Soil Alliance – Georg Pircher
10:30 – 10:45 The ARPAF Project “Impuls4Action” – From Intelligent Land Use to Sustainable Municipalities: objectives and activities
Stanka Klemenčič, KGZS-Zavod Maribor
10:45 – 11:00 Instructions and break out in the three different rooms (Stefano Sala)
11:00 – 12:00 Parallel sessions of the 3 topics
12:00 – 12:15 Sum up session (5 minutes each) of the discussion per topic
12:15 – 13:00 General Discussion – Recommendations regarding soil conservation in the Alpine Region and questions
General moderation: Stefano Sala
ROOM 1 – PEATLANDS – Moderator: Angelika Aberhalden
11:00 – 12:00 The role of peatlands in the Alpine Region
- Overview of alpine peatlands, status and network of experts and actors on national, regional and local level
Sylvia Holzträger, University of Applied Science Weihenstephan, Triesdorf
- Peatlands in Lombardy Region/in Camonica Valley
Anna Bonettini, Adamello Park
- Open discussion/questions
ROOM 2 – WATER RESOURCES – Moderator: Peter Tramberend
11:00 – 12:00 Water resources management in the Alps
- New paradigm of water/drought management on the Alpine Soils.
Mrs. Ph.D. Andreja Sušnik, Slovenian Environment Agency
- Agricultural water scarcity and water management in the Italian Alps
Claudio Gandolfi, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production, Landscape, Agroenergy, University of Milan
- Open discussion/questions
ROOM 3 – INNER DEVELOPMENT – Moderator: André Mallossek
11:00 – 12:00 Urbanization and inner development in the Alpine Region
André Mallossek, Plattform Land
Frank Weber, Director of the resort for spatial planning in South Tyrol
- Open discussion/questions