In the framework of the EUSALP process, Plattform Land has participated in a call for projects of the European Parliament. The project “ALPJOBS” started on 1st of March 2018 with the aim of identifying relevant trends in the labour market for young people and young adults in the disadvantaged areas of the Alpine Space together with partners from Trentino, Tyrol, Switzerland and Slovenia. Existing studies as well as surveys of focus groups were evaluated and new strategies and job profiles or competences were shown on the basis of exemplary rural regions, taking into account mega- to micro-trends in this area. The transferability to other disadvantaged Alpine regions was considered. The project lasted 2 years in total until February 2020.

For further information contact the ALPJOBS website. Within the project the autumn event 2018 of Plattform Land took place in Vinschgau.

In addition, here you find the short report on the identification of future jobs.

The local final event took place on 21st of November 2019 at BASIS Vinschgau.


Since the present project is mainly concerned with the effects on future job profiles in all economic sectors, there is a special cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, which is also a member of Plattform Land.

Logo EUSALP                               This project is co-financed (ARPAF fund) by the European Union    Logo EU