Local cycles of the economy

Considering that cooperation was the most pressing and most desired topic in the survey on rural development in summer 2015 and that intersectoral cooperation is also given top priority by the members of Plattform Land, it has launched a project on local business cycles in two pilot municipalities (Schlanders and Glurns) with the support of the Chamber of Commerce since summer 2018.

The aim is to create a local business cycle based on cross-sectoral cooperation that encompasses the entire value chain and strengthens regional identity.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together leads to success”. Henry Ford

In the two-year pilot project, existing initiatives in the field of local cycles will first be analysed and those affected – be they customers or business people – will be interviewed in the two pilot communities or in the Vinschgau Valley. In addition, actors from all economic sectors will sit down with the pilot community at a round table and visit best examples in neighbouring regions.

The project, which was initially launched in 2018 as “Lokale Kreisläufe der Wirtschaft – KiWi” (Local Business Cycles – KiWi), has been running since summer 2019 under the name FLOW (Förderung Land Orte Wirtschaft) with the support of the Chamber of Commerce. Among other things, typical local dishes were developed and, as part of the pilot test, a pop-up store was opened in both Schlanders and Glurns with local products.

The final event “Priority for Regional” took place on 24 September 2021 in Prad.

Study on the migration motives of women and men in rural areas

Likewise, a new study has been underway since summer 2019 as an independent part. Based on the WIFO study on the motives of highly qualified people to move to and from South Tyrol and the ESF project “Gehen oder Bleiben” (Go or Stay) on the Deutschnonsberg regarding the motives of women, the gender-specific motives regarding staying, moving or immigrating, especially in rural areas in South Tyrol, will be analysed and substantiated by means of qualitative surveys. In addition to the motives of women, the motives of men in rural areas will also be examined separately and the compatibility of family and career as a reason for co-decision making regarding staying, leaving or moving in will be analysed. Accompanying the study, sensitisation events will be organised with the involvement of employers in rural areas, which will offer women in particular a career perspective (also in management positions) in compatibility with family life.

As part of the study, a study trip with the stakeholders from South Tyrol to neighbouring countries on “Potentials of regional development for women (and men)” took place in September 2021.


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