As part of the project Sustainable renovation (SUSMAT) we offer free online training courses for professionals from architecture, trade and the construction industry.

The detailed program will be published shortly on the corresponding GERMAN and ITALIAN pages, as well as the single presentations or the different speakers.

You can take part in one, several or all modules. All training courses will be held in German and Italian. The registration is possible until 10/02/2025 on the corresponding German and Italian pages.


Co-financed by the European Union as part of the Interreg VI – A Italia-Austria 2021-2027 cooperation programme.

NEW! Funding guide for renovations and inner development

The new funding guide for renovation and innerdevelopement in South Tyrol and Italy is available, as well as the funding guide for renovation in the Interreg area: state subsidies in Italy and Austria and in detail: South Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia as well as Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia. These funding guides are the result of the ‘Comparative study on funding for inner development’ from the SHELTER project from 2022. It is an update of the funding and contributions within the framework of the SUSMAT project, which is funded by the EU through Interreg VI-A Italy-Austria 2021-2027.




Leitfaden für Sanierung & Förderungen in Südtirol und Italien

Leitfaden für Sanierung & Förderungen im Interreg-Gebiet: staatliche Förderungen in Italien und Österreich und im Detail: Südtirol, Venetien und Friaul-Julisch Venetien sowie Tirol, Salzburg und Kärnten


Guide to renovation and funding in South Tyrol and Italy

Guide to renovation and funding in the Interreg area: state funding in Italy and Austria and in detail: South Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, as well as Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia


‘Renovating must be more attractive than building a new house on a greenfield site.’

Many villages and small towns in the Interreg Italy-Austria programme area are facing the same problems: the decay of historically valuable buildings, vacancies in the town centre and simultaneous land consumption on greenfield sites, demographic change and migration. These problems can be counteracted at the same time by renovating existing properties. This requires a series of suitable measures for active vacancy management and revitalisation of the town centre. This requires not only decision-makers at the national and local level, but also the citizens themselves. This study is intended to help citizens to obtain an overview of the possible funding and contact points for the renovation of existing properties. Decision-makers receive an overview of the various funding, advisory and revitalisation measures for town and village centres, from which they can draw ideas and suggestions for improving their own local and regional funding and advisory services.

Andreas Schatzer, President of Plattform Land



Sustainable renovation (SUSMAT)

Online Training Courses

Day of inner development


Co-financed by the European Union as part of the Interreg VI – A Italia-Austria 2021-2027 cooperation programme.

COWORCare autumn conference & closing event | 14/12/2023 | BASIS Vinschgau Venosta | 5:00 pm

The “COWORCare” project aims to bring together coworking and care, i.e. the inclusion of childcare – and in the future also senior care – in the area of co-working structures. This would enable young parents and especially women, who still provide most of the social care, to work in a creative environment close to their home or holiday destination while having their children/elderly people looked after in or near the co-working structure. This would allow more young families and single parents to participate in the local labour market, reducing commuter traffic and creating a more collaborative and open work culture even in remote locations.

This year’s autumn conference “COWORCare” takes place on 14 December 2023 at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta at 5:00 pm.

A pop-up childcare centre was set up at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta from mid-October to mid-November as part of the “COWORCare” project.

Here you can find the PROGRAMME in detail.

PLEASE REGISTER HERE by 11th of December 2023.

COWORCare – who cares? 09.06. – presentations – press – video