The EU project SUSMAT is all about promoting sustainable construction and renovation. Special attention is paid to the materials used and the overall resource requirements over the life of a building. In addition, ecological refurbishments of vacant buildings are taking place in 3 municipalities, which are thus also being reused. In South Tyrol, the (partial) renovation of the Mesnerstadl in Mölten, which was developed as part of the Platform Land Renovation Consultancy, is currently underway. An example of vacancy management.

The project is co-financed by INTERREG Italy-Austria and will run from the end of 2023 to the beginning of 2026. The lead partner is EURAC RESEARCH – Centre for Applied Research in South Tyrol. Plattform Land is primarily responsible for awareness-raising, training and events, including networking. The total cost of the project is approximately €1.2 million.

Other partners are: Municipality of Mölten (IT), Municipality of Anras (A), Municipality of Filzmoos (A), VIVIUS – Innovation cluster of the autonomous province of Bolzano for sustainable building in the Alpine region, Confartigianato Belluno – Unione artigiana piccole imprese e cittadini, SIR Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen – Service and competence centre for municipalities and actors in the municipal environment



Online Training Courses

Day of inner development

Overview of public funding (Guide to public funding)


Co-financed by the European Union as part of the Interreg VI – A Italia-Austria 2021-2027 cooperation programme.